Friday, May 2, 2014

Weighing in... for Palestine (a poem)


                  Weighing in... for Palestine (a poem)

Yes, there is hope remaining-
hope, and diplomatic efforts
good people weighing in
creating the chance
for peace
for Israel
for Palestine
for Universal Human Rights
for compassion and empathy
and self control... 

 “Forgiving is not forgetting; 
it’s actually remembering - 
and not using your right to hit back.”  
 Yes, there is an ongoing Nakba.

Yes, there was a Holocaust.

Yes, there are many people
with tragic stories-
many who have suffered
many who suffer now.

Yes, there is an Israel.

Yes, there are Palestinians.

Yes, there have been mistakes,
bad choices along the way,
and nefarious intentions
by some- but not all.

Yes, there is religious extremism.

Yes, there is bigotry-
and injustice.

Yes, volleys of horrible insults
 have been hurled.

Yes, there are and will be
 storms of emotion
and explosions of intransigence.

And yet... there is hope remaining-
hope, and diplomatic efforts:
Good people weighing in
creating the chance
for peace
for Israel
for Palestine
for Universal Human Rights,
the rule of fair and just laws,
for two separate narratives
and two separate nation states
living side by side
with one clear border
and one clear goal:

Security and peace
and real freedom -
real democracy

for Israel and

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