Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Have you taken action yet to condemn the destruction at the Nassar family farm?

Annie's Notes

SUBJECT:  Condemn the Recent Violence & Injustice by Israeli Forces

Dear Mr. Secretary,

Sometimes form letters are the only way to say something... for when it comes to Palestine it has all been said, and yet still, the very real plight of the Palestinians remains dire.

The destruction of over 1,500 trees on the farm of Daoud Nassar near Bethlehem by Israeli Forces on May 19 is but the latest in a series of actions or threats of action by Israeli authorities  aimed at separating farmers and herders from their land in the occupied Palestinian territories.

I call on you to publicly call attention to this Israeli practice and condemn it as a barrier to peace.

Anne Selden Annab

URGENT ACTION : Tent of Nations Farm Uprooted by Israeli Forces

Last Monday morning Israeli forces uprooted some 1,500 fruit trees on a farm of Daoud Nassar, a Lutheran farmer with land near Bethlehem. He is well known to many US visitors as the head of “Tent of Nations” and has fought to hold on to his family’s land in the face of opposition by nearby settlers.  His motto is “We Refuse To Be Enemies.”    
In a nationwide telephone conference organized by CMEP on Tuesday, he stressed the importance of non-violent resistance by Palestinians to the occupation and expropriation of land by Israeli authorities.  His farm is surrounded by growing Israeli settlements east of the Green Line but west of the separation barrier/wall.

The destruction of the trees this week on the Nassar farm seems consistent with long standing  efforts by Israeli authorities to force Palestinian farmers and herders off the land by various means, including  more construction of the wall that separates farmers from their land; demolition  orders for structures in newly declared military firing zones; and destruction of water cisterns  used by farmers for their animals.

Tell Secretary of State Kerry that the U.S. must publicly condemn systematic efforts by Israeli  authorities to force Palestinians off their land.

John Kerry

U.S. Department of State

 Working together
Justice can prevail
Peace is possible

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