Saturday, March 22, 2014

World Water Day 2014: The Rachel Corrie Foundation (RCF) is proud to sign on to the Marseille Declaration which calls on global citizens of conscience to take action for Palestinian water rights and to promote global water justice.

colonizing the water commons, Maia Brown
Posted in Get Involved on March 22, 2014 by .

March 22nd, World Water Day (declared by the UN in 1992) is a moment to recommit to fighting for the human right to water and to make visible the growing global crisis of water inequality fueled by water privatization.

On World Water Day 2014, the Rachel Corrie Foundation (RCF) is proud to sign on to the Marseille Declaration which calls on global citizens of conscience to take action for Palestinian water rights and to promote global water justice. With this action, we partner with those who resist corporate and state profiteering from human rights violations and the corporatizing of our common water heritage. Please join us!

  • Read and endorse the Marseille Declaration today!
  • Join RCF and Stop Veolia Seattle (SVS) this Sunday at the Northwest Film Forum for a series of World Water Day films and discussion on The Human Right to Water: Connecting Local and Global Struggles.
  • Learn more from our World Water Day contributors Susan Koppelman and Marcela Olivera on boycotting Veolia and about global responses to water privatization.
Palestinian Water Rights: Another Reason to Boycott and Divest from Veolia
The Rising Water in Bolivia and Latin America by Marcela Olivera

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