Saturday, March 15, 2014

Outreach: American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) "Our Israeli and Palestinian partners in the Middle East as well as our partners in the U.S. believe as we do that a lasting peace must begin with a commitment to shared security for all."

"Our interconnected world requires an interconnected response."
American Friends Service Committee
Dear Anne,

In this interconnected world, the problems we face in our own communities are intimately linked with the fate of other communities and nations. What happens in the U.S. matters around the world, and what happens around the world matters here.

This is particularly visible in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians—a conflict defined by enduring injustices, unconscionable economic inequalities, and a discriminatory legal system designed to privilege one group of people over another. Despite considering Israeli settlements to be illegal, the U.S. continues to send military aid to Israel, perpetuating the injustice.

These settlements are at the core of the conflict. They are built on stolen land and used to justify the building of the Wall and the restriction of movement within the West Bank. They contribute to forced displacement, severely limit Palestinian access to basic resources including land and water, and perpetuate a system of segregation and structural inequality between Palestinians and Israelis.

In the U.S., in Israel, and in the occupied Palestinian territory, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a continuing witness for change, supporting a courageous nonviolent movement that seeks to end this infamous occupation. Our Israeli and Palestinian partners in the Middle East as well as our partners in the U.S. believe as we do that a lasting peace must begin with a commitment to shared security for all.

In just the past few months, AFSC's Middle East staff has witnessed hopeful movements in this struggle for lasting peace and justice:
Meanwhile, here in the U.S., efforts to draw attention to the illegal settlements through nonviolent means—notably, boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS)—have begun to bear fruit:
Our interconnected world requires an interconnected response. Through creative collaborations with Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans, we are making real progress toward lasting peace and justice. I hope you, like me, will be heartened by these small but significant wins along the way.
In Peace,

Shan Cretin
General Secretary

American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Quakers distribute blankets to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, 1948. Photo: AFSC

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