Thursday, January 16, 2014

The One-State Trap ... a poem


   The One-State Trap

As things are
for Israel-Palestine
one state translates
into Jewish settlements
staying, expanding,

Demographics are numbers,
not an open heart or mind.

One state is PR savvy Israel
empowered to be subtle-sly
with an ongoing Nakba...

One state is Israel benefiting
from a low wage workforce,
and expensive legal battles
for lone Palestinians, one
by one by one...

One state is perpetual


One state is no question
of Palestine to discuss.

One state is UNWRA defunded
and disenfranchised.

One state is, irretrievably,
no second chances-
the end of Palestine,
BUT not the beginning
of freedom or justice
for Palestinians...
nor is it refugee return, or even an end
to hostilities & home demolitions.

Demographics are numbers,
simply numbers numbers
numb... cold- calculating
not an open heart or mind,
not the rule of fair and just laws,
not compassion or empathy
or peace.

The conflict multiplies
with no borders,
no boundaries
and no way out.

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