Thursday, December 19, 2013

This complex, fluid time in which peace talks are ongoing and the whole region is being reshaped is EXACTLY when we can all make a difference.

YOU share our vision of a Middle East free of discrimination against any individual based on religious affiliation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, creed or ideology.... ATFP: With Gratitude and a Promise of Commitment

USPS 2012 Forever stamp for Christmas

Dear ATFP supporter,
BECAUSE of YOUR support, ATFP has succeeded in intensifying its efforts to advocate for peace between Palestine and Israel. With YOUR HELP we plan to do even more in 2014. You can help us achieve this.

YOU share our passion and commitment for peace between Palestine and Israel: a peace in which the Palestinians live in dignity as first-class citizens in their own state; in which Israel enjoys security and an end to the conflict; and where our own country’s interests and values are realized.

YOU share our vision of a Middle East free of discrimination against any individual based on religious affiliation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, creed or ideology.

That is what we stand for at ATFP. This complex, fluid time in which peace talks are ongoing and the whole region is being reshaped is EXACTLY when we can all make a difference.

But we cannot do it without you.

During this holiday season, please donate as generously as possible to ATFP. To donate to ATFP click here.
With Thanks,
  Ghaith Al-Omari
  ATFP Executive Director

American Task Force on Palestine.
1634 Eye St
Suite 725
Washington, DC -20006
United States
- 202-887-0177 - - The American Task Force on Palestine

The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) is a 501©(3) non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC. Established in 2003, its mission is to articulate and educate about the United States national interest in helping to create a Palestinian state living alongside Israel in peace, security and dignity. ATFP is committed to strengthening Palestinian-American relations at every level. The Task Force supports Palestinian institution-building, good governance,  anti-corruption measures, economic development, and improved living standards. ATFP holds that these same values are relevant to the broader Arab world, and that the question of Palestine is inextricably linked to regional realities and developments.

ATFP provides an independent voice for Palestinian-Americans and their supporters and advances human rights and peace. It categorically and unequivocally condemns all violence against civilians, no matter thecause and who the victims or perpetrators may be.

ATFP builds effective and durable working relationships with government departments and agencies, think tanks and NGOs, and the media. It has developed lines of communication with the US and other relevant governments in order to pursue its policy advocacy goals.

USPS 2011 Forever Stamps

USPS 2013 Forever Stamps for Christmas

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