Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela, The Global Icon Who Left Footprints Around The World ...Palestinian campaigners describe him as “totally inspirational”

" The Middle East conflict is perhaps the foreign policy area with which the former South African President is most closely associated.

Sara Apps, of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said Mandela, along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, had been a key supporter of the Palestinian cause.

Tutu made headlines in 2002 when he controversially accused Israel of practising apartheid in its policies towards the Palestinians.

“Mandela has been totally inspirational through the whole campaign for justice in South Africa,” Apps said.

“I think Mandela himself recognised the campaign for justice for the Palestinian people, and he said so himself.

“Also, he moved from being part of a campaign for freedom to being a campaigner for freedom to being a state leader, and that must be an inspiration to people.” "
Mandela with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in 2002
The Huffington Post UK  |  By Posted: On his long walk to freedom, Nelson Mandela left footprints way beyond South Africa’s borders.
Palestinian campaigners describe him as “totally inspirational”, while he is also associated with struggles against oppression in Burma and pioneered an approach to tackling conflicts that is still in use today.

Once vilified by Britain’s Conservative Right, Mandela has become a role model in the West, epitomised by Barack Obama’s description of him as “a hero for the world”...READ MORE

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