Sunday, December 1, 2013

Israel's plan to forcibly resettle Negev Bedouins prompts global protests

Under the Prawer Plan, the residents of "unrecognised" Palestinian villages will be moved into seven overcrowded and impoverished towns. Meanwhile, new Jewish settlements are planned for the region.
Protesters shout slogans in front of Herod's Gate, Jerusalem, in support of Bedouin Arabs. Photograph: Imago / Barcroft Media
'Day of rage' over demolition of 'unrecognised' villages in Bedouins' ancestral lands turns violent, with 40 arrests made
Several thousand people worldwide have taken part in protests at the Israeli government's plans to forcibly remove Bedouin Arabs from their villages in the Negev desert.

In Israeli towns and cities mounted police used teargas, stun grenades and water cannon against demonstrators, in what the Association of Civil Rights in Israel described as a "disproportionate" response...READ MORE

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