Monday, September 23, 2013

Newspapers Review: Killing of Soldier in Hebron Focus of Dailies ... & EU Warns Violence Could Undermine Negotiations (Israeli Army Kills six Palestinians last month & this month in Qalandia & Jenin refugee camps- prompting protests)


EU Warns Violence Could Undermine Negotiations 
BRUSSELS, September 23, 2013 (WAFA) – European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton warned that rise in violence in the West Bank could undermine negotiations and peace efforts.
Ashton condemned in a statement issued on Sunday the killing of an Israeli soldier in the West Bank city of Qalqilya last week and said “this comes in the wake of several worrying incidents in the West Bank.”
She was referring to the Israeli army killing of six Palestinians last month and this month in Qalandia and Jenin refugee camps, which prompted violent protests in several areas of the West Bank.
“The EU regrets the loss of life, urges for maximum restraint and reiterates its call to all parties to refrain from actions that could undermine the negotiation process and the prospects of peace,” said Ashton.
Settlers Take Over Land near Nablus

NABLUS, September 23, 2013 (WAFA) – Israeli settlers Monday took over and razed a Palestinian-owned land in an area south of Nablus, according to a local activist.
Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement activities in the north of the West Bank, said that settlers took over the land while Israeli soldiers at the scene did nothing to stop them.
Israelis Steal Olive Crops from Palestinian Farmers 
JENIN, September 23, 2013 (WAFA) – Israeli settlers Monday stole the olive crop Palestinian farmers have picked from their land in the village of Jalboon, east of Jenin, and which is isolated by the segregation wall built by Israel, according to a local official.
Deputy Mayor Khaled Abu el-Rob told WAFA that a group of settlers from illegal settlements built on Jalboon land raided a 12-dunum of land belonging to two brothers in the village and planted with olive trees and stole all the crops.
He said that this the second time in two years settlers steal the brothers’ olive crops.
Israeli settlers usually attack Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest season, particularly when the land is located near settlements.
Newspapers Review: Killing of Soldier in Hebron Focus of Dailies 

RAMALLAH, September 23, 2013 (WAFA) – The shooting and killing of an Israeli soldier in Hebron and the Israeli army’s violent and brutal response was the main front page story in the three Palestinian Arabic dailies on Monday.
The papers reported on this incident and printed pictures showing Israeli soldiers getting ready to shoot obviously at Palestinian stone throwers, as came in the main picture of al-Ayyam, while al-Quds printed a picture showing Palestinians throwing rocks clearly in the direction of the soldiers.
The conflict between Israel and Europe over the way Israeli soldiers treated a French diplomat on Friday who was taking part in a humanitarian aid convey to Palestinian families in the Jordan Valley whose homes the Israeli army has destroyed was highlighted on the front page of the dailies.
Al-Ayyam and al-Quds reported on the Israeli fanatics touring al-Aqsa Mosque compound, which is causing serious concern for Muslim officials.
Al-Hayat al-Jadida said Hamas prevented people in Gaza who plan to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca next month from sending their passports to Egypt to get Saudi visas.
It said in another story that Israel allowed construction material into Gaza for local contractors for the first time in six years.
Al-Quds quoted Muhammad Shtayyeh, head of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR), saying that international aid to Palestine has decreased while the Palestinian economy has not shown any improvement.
The papers also said the cabinet has decided that winter time in Palestine will start Thursday night at midnight when the clocks will be turned back 60 minutes.
This change is one month earlier than Israel, which is going to change to winter time around the end of October.

Palestine Land Day, Photo WAFA News 2013: March 30 1976 became a symbol of steadfastness in every part of occupied Palestine, a day of protests and marches, and day where the Palestinians in Palestine and in exile, in their refugee camps and villages, reaffirm their steadfastness and their determination to achieve their internationally guaranteed rights in their occupied homeland.

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