Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More Times Than I Can Remember ... a poem by Saliba Sarsar (born and raised in Jerusalem)

More Times Than I Can Remember

I, living between the Jordan and the Med,
was drawn and redrawn more times than
I can remember. Names of cities and towns,
lakes and streams, mountains and valleys
vanished off my body countless times,
only to reappear clothed in religious garb
one day, nationalist garb the next.
Lines—some shallow, others deep—decorate
with their colors and shapes the ins and outs
of my being. Looking increasingly like Swiss
cheese, the winds of conflict blow through me
like a hurricane, twisting and shredding my limbs.
I long for the day when I am whole again.
Balance, justice, stability, peace must return!

© Saliba Sarsar
Published on mediterranean.nu with the permission of Saliba Sarsar

Saliba was born and raised in Jerusalem. He holds a doctorate from Rutgers University and is currently Professor of Political Science and Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives at Monmouth University
Dr. Sarsar is the author of several articles and commentaries on the Middle East; editor of Palestine and the Quest for Peace (American Task Force on Palestine, 2009); and co-editor of Principles and Pragmatism: Key Documents from the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP, 2006), Patriarch Michel Sabbah-Faithful Witness: On Reconciliation and Peace in the Holy Land (New City Press, 2009), and Democracy in Africa: Political Changes and Challenges. (Carolina Academic Press, 2012).  Dr. Sarsar is also the author of two books of poetry, titled Crosswinds (Mellen Poetry Press, 1999) and Seven Gates of Jerusalem, a bilingual English/Arabic edition (Kul-Shee, 2010).

The ATFP Award for Academic Excellence will be presented to Dr. Saliba Sarsar. Dr. Sarsar, born and raised in Jerusalem, is Professor of Political Science and Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives at Monmouth University. He is the author of several books, articles and commentaries on the Middle East and two volumes of poetry. Dr. Sarsar is active in Arab-Jewish dialogue and peace building, for which he received the Humanitarian Award from the National Conference for Community and Justice in 2001.

Honoring the Achievements of Palestinian-Americans

Distinguished Public Service: Representative Justin Amash
Academic Excellence: Dr. Saliba Sarsar
 Excellence in Business and Finance: Mr. Talat Othman
Musical Performance
Nidal Ibourk

Master of Ceremonies
Dean Obeidallah

Tuesday October 29, 2013 
The Ritz-Carlton
1150 22nd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037
The ATFP Gala is a black-tie event

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