Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Member of Congress to Oppose Visa Waivers to Israel: US laws mandate that all US citizens be afforded equal protection while traveling abroad, and therefore, Israel's engagement in racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination against US citizens is unacceptable and should not be codified in law

 Talking Points: 

-Israel has a long history of harassing, detaining, and deporting American citizens of Arab and/or Muslim background attempting to enter Israel and Palestine.

-US laws mandate that all US citizens be afforded equal protection while traveling abroad, and therefore, Israel's engagement in racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination against US citizens is unacceptable and should not be codified in law.

-Permitting Israel into the Visa Waiver Program and exempting it from affording the same reciprocal rights to US citizens will effectively sanction its discriminatory practices and would send the wrong message that Congress is prioritizing the wishes of a foreign government over the rights of US citizens.

-(Important: if you are an American citizen who has personally been discriminated against when entering Israel or Palestine, include that in your letter.)

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TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Member of Congress to Oppose Visa Waivers to Israel

Both chambers of Congress have introduced legislation that will grant visa waiver status to Israel. If enacted, these bills will allow Israeli citizens to enter the US without a visa despite Israel's decades-long history of engaging in racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination against US citizens of Arab and/or Muslim background attempting to enter Israel and the occupied territories. The Senate bill includes a very troubling exemption that would make Israel the first country not bound to extend the reciprocal visa waiver status to American citizens, which is in direct violation of US laws barring discrimination, and will undermine the US government's policy of calling for equal protection of all its citizens traveling abroad.

We're being told that H.R. 938, "United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013,” which currently has more than 300 cosponsors, could be brought up for a vote in the House before the August recess. S. 462 is expected to be considered in September. We need to raise awareness about this legislation now. ACT Today!

To get started click 'Participate'


Israel Border Harassment Reporting Form

 The Arab American Institute is collecting stories of American citizens who have been harassed, detained, or deported when attempting to enter Israel or Palestine. If you've personally experienced such an incident, please provide details ... All personal information will be kept private and stories will not be distributed without your expressed permission.

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