Thursday, July 25, 2013

My letter to the Washington Post RE Kerry’s Captain Ahab quest By David Ignatius

RE Kerry’s Captain Ahab quest By

Dear Editor,

The only sure bet on Middle East peace is that if the Israel-Palestine conflict continues countless more men, women, and children will be tormented and impoverished by that conflict- and religious tyranny, terrorism, corruption, and cruelty will thrive. 

Kudos to Kerry for persisting with America's quest to help facilitate a just and lasting peace for both Israel and Palestine. 

Anne Selden Annab

Live by the Golden Rule
Words to Honor: The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1.
    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

“Generations of Commitment" American Task Force on Palestine Honoring the Achievements of Palestinian-Americans ... & This Could Actually Work: Why John Kerry's Middle East peace push isn’t a fool's errand.

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