Thursday, February 21, 2013

American Task Force on Palestine Celebrates 10th Anniversary, Announces Oct. 29 Gala

ATFP Celebrates 10th Anniversary, Announces Oct. 29 Gala

Press Release
February 15, 2013 - 12:00am

Feb. 15, Washington DC -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) today celebrates the end of its 10th year of operations and the beginning of its second decade. Since its founding in 2003, ATFP has built on a clear mission: to advocate that a negotiated end-of-conflict solution that allows for two states, Israel and Palestine, to live side-by-side in peace, security and dignity is in the American national interest.

ATFP is gratified that there is now a consensus in Washington and the American foreign policy establishment that peace between Israel and the Palestinians is indeed a vital American interest. Since 2003, a commitment to the two-state solution has become not only established American foreign policy, but also the position of the Middle East Quartet, which represents the views of the international community as a whole. We are proud to have played a small part in developing this policy consensus and imperative, which is without doubt a historic achievement. ATFP will continue to urge the international community as a whole to assure the implementation and realization of the two-state solution. We are well aware that much of the hardest work remains to be done, and ATFP is committed to continuing to pursue its efforts on behalf of peace and Palestine until the two-state solution finally becomes a reality.

The past decade has seen a broad range of achievements and an unprecedented degree of access and influence for the Task Force, nationally and internationally. These successes have been beyond our expectations, as ATFP has become a fully-fledged part of the policy conversation, with a seat at the table in multiple venues across the world.

The Task Force owes a huge debt of thanks to the past and present members of its Board of Directors, staff, interns, volunteers, and countless friends, sponsors and supporters around the country and across the world who have made our work possible and without whom we could not have completed such a successful first decade of operations.

On this 10th anniversary of the founding of the Task Force, ATFP is pleased to announce its Seventh Annual Gala, which will be held on October 23, 2013 in Washington, DC. As always, the ATFP Gala will celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of Palestinian Americans and welcome a who's-who of current and former policymakers, opinion leaders, diplomats, journalists, activists and engaged community members. More information about the 2013 Gala will be forthcoming in the near future.

ATFP looks forward to a second decade of dedicated work in pursuit of peace based on the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, and the continued support of countless people of goodwill around the country and the world.

 ATFP is strictly opposed to all acts of violence against civilians no matter the cause and no matter who the victims or perpetrators may be.  The Task Force advocates the development of a Palestinian state that is democratic, pluralistic, non-militarized and neutral in armed conflicts.
 Please help sustain ATFP's work and independent decision-making by donating here.

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