Thursday, January 17, 2013

PLO Delegation: Statement on Killing of Palestinian Youth

The General Delegation of the PLO to the US condemns in the strongest terms the killing of 17 years-old Samir Ahmad Abdul-Rahim of Budrus village.

It has become habit for the Israeli government to escalate violence against innocent Palestinians to sustain a perpetual status quo that denies Palestinian rights, defiantly violating previous agreements, international law, and human rights.

Particularly appalling is that in spite of Palestinian commitment to nonviolent struggle, especially in the case of Budrus village, Israeli harassment and violations remain unabated.

The murder of Abdul-Rahim comes only five days following that of 22 years-old Anwar al-Mamlouk of Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, clearly highlighting an Israeli pattern of provocation determined to undermine Palestinian rights to self-determination and independence.

The General Delegation of the PLO to the US urges the United States to unequivocally condemn Israeli violations against innocent Palestinians.

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