Saturday, January 12, 2013

Palestinians Set Up Tents Where Israel Plans Homes

Palestinians erected tents in the contested piece of Israeli-occupied West Bank territory known as E1 on Friday. Jim Hollander/European Pressphoto Agency
Israel says that most of the E1 area is Israeli land. Protest leaders said they had set up their encampment on a parcel of land owned by a Palestinian family from A-Tur, a neighborhood of East Jerusalem. They added that the landowners had given their full permission for the encampment and had joined the activists at the site.

Published: January 11, 2013

JERUSALEM — Adopting a tactic more commonly employed by Jewish settlers who establish wildcat outposts in the West Bank, scores of Palestinian activists erected tents on Friday in a hotly contested piece of Israeli-occupied West Bank territory known as E1, and they said they intended to stay put...READ MORE

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