Monday, January 14, 2013

Arabs in Israel must vote

Oudeh Basharat: "Until our brothers in the territories join in, when they are finally annexed to us, we must conclude regrettably that the Arab population is not behaving like a subversive sect and that all signs indicate that they are like every other human being: sometimes depressed, sometimes in love and sometimes refusing to exercise their right to vote.

For this reason I would like to whisper to that human being that if, whether out of despair or political principle, he does not vote, then he should not expect Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman to declare a national day of mourning on their account.

My election-boycotting friends, the situation could be worse. And we should replace the question of what contribution was made by the Arab members of Knesset with a more appropriate one: What would the situation be without them? If the preceding generations had not exploited every crack in the wall of discrimination, even the very roofs above our heads would have been denied us. Building even a single room would have been an existential struggle. It was only through stubborn fighting that the Arabs have racked up impressive accomplishments"

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