Thursday, December 6, 2012

Re: Proposed Amendments to Cut Palestinian Funding Discarded

 Hi Anne

Thanks for your message. We too are happy our efforts made a difference. To your specific suggestion, we do have a standing action for people of faith to contact their congresspeople to express their concerns for peace in the Middle East.

Feel free to forward the link to others you know. Thanks for your support!

Dear Rev. Doris Warrell,

I am delighted to hear that all our letters helped persuade our Senate not to add the proposed anti- Palestine amendments this week... but I am worried about next week, next month, next year and the ongoing Zionist pressure to convince our elected leaders to undermine state building efforts for Palestine.

Keeping the focus on support for two state solution to actually end the Israel-Palestine conflict will become increasingly hard as intellectuals, arm chair experts, activists and followers fed up with the lack of peace and progress can not help but be lured into insisting that one state is the only option, which in turn convinces people not to invest in Palestine.

One state with Israel already so firmly established and staunchly defended by a large population of loyal citizens will not bring peace, justice, or progress to the native non-Jewish men, women and children of Palestine. Palestinians will not be automatically granted respect and a chance to be true equals. Even if the state of Israel shifts its official investments away from Jewish projects, worldwide Zionist charities and private money will be able to continue countless Jews-preferred projects though out the land.... Religious extremism on both sides will thrive rather than the rule of fair and just laws. 

Born in Jerusalem, Palestinian American Ziad Asali of the America Task Force on Palestine wisely points out that "
The only way to honor our tragic histories is to create a future for our children free of man-made tragedy. This means making peace fully, completely and without reservation, between Israel and Palestine."

Justice can prevail, and peace IS possible... but it won't happen by magic. Palestine needs our support now more than ever. 

I think you should keep a general alert up so that people can easily write their elected leaders on the topic.

Anne Selden Annab

On 12/5/12 2:12 PM, Churches for Middle East Peace wrote:

Dear Anne Selden,

You Said "No" to Palestinian Aid Cuts. And They Listened.

Yesterday the Senate decided not to add three proposed amendments to a defense spending bill that would have reduced or eliminated funding for the Palestinian Authority including funding for hospitals, schools, water, and electricity. This was a response to UN action last Thursday to upgrade the PA's status in the General Assembly. 

Thank you for acting so quickly to make your voice heard. The funding in question included $370 million for budget support for the Palestinian Authority. This funding is essential to humanitarian programs such as the Augusta Victoria Hospital (a project of Lutheran World Federation) in East Jerusalem. In addtion, $70 million would have been cut in aid for security programs that have been essential to enabling the PA to police the West Bank and cooperate with Israel to reduce terrror attacks. Absent this funding, conditions could have quickly deteriorate and further complicated the Obama Administration's efforts to bring the two parties together. 

Your efforts prove again that working together, justice can prevail, and peace IS possible!!

Rev. Doris Warrell
Field Director

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Formed in 1984, Churches for Middle East Peace is a coalition of 24 national Church denominations and organizationsincluding Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditions. It works to encourage U.S. government policies that actively promote a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ensuring security, human rights and religious freedom for all people of the region. | 202-543-1222
110 Maryland Avenue NE | Suite 311 | Washington, DC 20002

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