Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Israel's Jewish extremists vandalize Jerusalem monastery

A monk stands next to graffiti sprayed on a wall at the entrance to
the Latrun Monastery near Jerusalem September 4, 2012.
(Reuters/Baz Ratner
BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Suspected Jewish extremists vandalized a Jerusalem monastery overnight Tuesday, Israeli police said.

Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Ma'an that "Price-tag" was sprayed on the walls of the monastery and three vehicles were damaged in the attack.

Police are investigating the incident, he added.

Anti-Christian graffiti such as "Jesus is a son of a bitch," and Israeli nationalist slogans were found on the church and nearby vehicles, Israeli media reported.

One car had "Happy Hanukkah, triumph for the Maccabees" written on it, Ynet said, referring to the Jewish holiday which coincides with the Christmas period.

A priest from the monastery said he forgives whoever committed the attack, which is the second of its kind, Ynet reported.

"It saddens me deeply," Father Claudio said. "I believe in Jesus and some don't, it's their problem. We believe in peace and I forgive whoever did this the first time and this time."

Price-tag attacks by Jewish extremists against religious sites are commonplace in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In October, "Price-tag" and anti-Christian slogans were sprayed on the gate of the Monastery of Saint Francis, just outside of the Old City.

In early September, suspected Jewish extremists torched the wooden door of a Jerusalem monastery and in February extremists wrote "Death to Christianity" on two Jerusalem churches.

Last December, an ancient mosque in Jerusalem was torched and sprayed with the Star of David, "price tag," "Muhammad is a pig" and "A good Arab is a dead Arab" in Hebrew.

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