Friday, December 21, 2012

Israel Defies Allies in Move to Bolster Settlements... Settlements are illegal under international law and detrimental to any international efforts to restart peace negotiations and secure a two-state solution

 “We call on the Israeli government to rescind these plans,” said the statement issued by Israel’s allies Britain, France, Germany and Portugal, saying the actions “send a negative message and are undermining faith in its willingness to negotiate.”

The Housing Ministry authorized construction on 1,000 housing units in the West Bank, while the city of Jerusalem approved 2,610 units in Givat Hamatos, a new neighborhood in an area annexed after the 1967 war. 

The actions came after 1,500 controversial units in the Jerusalem settlement of Ramat Shlomo were approved Monday and 500 others in Givat Hamatos on Tuesday. An additional 1,000 units, in Gilo, are expected to move forward on Thursday, in what experts said was the most activity in years in the areas known collectively as East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians see as their future capital. 

Every member of the United Nations Security Council except the United States issued statements on Wednesday condemning the construction....READ MORE

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