Sunday, November 18, 2012

They can hear only the loudest calls from their enemies...

Protestors gather outside Israel's consulate in New York City on November 15, 2012. (Jacob Silverman)

Twin Protests

Metaphors for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rarely come this readymade: two protests, one pro-Palestinian and one pro-Israeli, kitty-corner from each other in a busy Midtown intersection. Their voices amplified by PA systems, the protests' leaders exhort their audiences with rigidly ideological slogans. Passing cars offer the occasional supportive honk to one faction or another. Never do the two sides meet. They can hear only the loudest calls from their enemies.

That was the scene last night around Israel's consulate at East 42nd Street and 2nd Avenue in New York City. The occasion, of course, was to protest, or support, Israel's bombing campaign in Gaza and to protest, or support, Hamas' rocket fire into southern Israel. The attendees were well armed with signs and chants. They assembled in chilly weather, corralled behind steel barricades, as dozens of NYPD officers watched over them and shooed along pedestrians...READ MORE

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