Thursday, November 29, 2012

"64 years is a long time to be denied your own state. No more stalling, no more excuses. Palestinians must live in freedom and dignity – it is time for them to have the recognition they deserve." Desmond Tutu

"64 years is a long time to be denied your own state. No more stalling, no more excuses. Palestinians must live in freedom and dignity – it is time for them to have the recognition they deserve." Desmond Tutu

The Elders

"The UN recognised Israel in 1949. Now it's time to afford the Palestinians that recognition." Mary Robinson

"The Palestinian UN bid is a peaceful, diplomatic act; one that could help revive the stalled Middle East peace. Delaying the vote would only mean more stalled negotiations, settlement expansion and insecurity." Martti Ahtisaari

  "The US and Europe support the creation of a viable Palestinian state. Voting in favour of the Palestinian UN resolution today will help to secure one, bringing us closer to peace and security for Palestinians AND Israelis." Gro Harlem Brundtland

Two-state solution on the line | The Elders

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