Friday, October 12, 2012

When a rose is not a rose is not a rose is not a rose.....

Amal Amireh  "Remember when the salafis of Egypt used a rose instead of their women's candidate photo in their election posters?  Well, now some Palestinian groups are doing the same. 
Do you know what is really sad and disturbing about this poster? It is not the salafis who are doing it; it is the secular leftists!!! This is not new: wedding invitations in some places don't even print the bride's name. And please don't tell me this is in a rural area where leftists had to respect "customs and traditions" or they lose credibility. These are all "new" customs and traditions that have been spreading unchallenged by either the feminists or male secularists. Happy now?"

Amal Amireh is an Associate Professor of postcolonial literature at George Mason University/Fairfax. She was born and raised in El Bireh, Palestine.

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