Wednesday, October 24, 2012

UN Day

UN Day

Dear Friends,

Today the world commemorates the anniversary of when the United Nations Charter went into effect in 1945.

For nearly 70 years, the United Nations has been a force for progress and peace in the world. Every day, the UN is on the front lines of global challenges — working to promote human rights, increase peace and stability, respond to natural disasters and crises, improve health, combat climate change, empower women and girls, and much more.

The statistics tell a powerful story about the UN's reach. For example, the United Nations aids more than 30 million refugees and people fleeing war, famine, or persecution; it vaccinates 58 percent of the world's children against harmful and deadly diseases; and it helps keep the peace with 120,000 peacekeepers in 16 operations.

As the world confronts urgent problems that transcend borders, the UN is more important than ever. It is the one institution with the global reach, scale, and capacity to mobilize international action to address these problems without passports.

Today, join us in recognizing the UN's lifesaving and life-changing work and advocating for a strong U.S.-UN relationship. Now is the time to stand with the UN.

Join us in supporting the United Nations this UN Day.

Working with the UN, we can build a safer, healthier, and more just world for our children and our grandchildren.

Thank you for your support,

Timothy E. Wirth
United Nations Foundation

Join the United Nations Foundation today, October 24 for UN Day: a day to celebrate all the work the UN does to change lives and solve global problems. Get involved and help show your support today!
  • Celebrate: Join a local event hosted by your chapter of the United Nations Association of the USA. More than 100 Chapters are hosting more than 175 UN Day events in 33 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Check out the map below for a list of events or visit to sign up as a UNA member.
  • Tweet and Learn! Participate in the UN Day Twitter chat with @unfoundation and experts from the United Nations this Wednesday from 11am-2pm ET.
  •  "Wear Your UN Blue" with the UN Foundation and its campaigns this Wednesday. Wear something blue, take a photo, and share your picture on social media. Tag the UN Foundation on Facebook or Tweet us your photos @unfoundation with #UNday, and tell us why you support the UN.
  •  Share! With your support, the UN is creating a better world every day. View the important work the UN does and help spread the word.

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