Sunday, September 9, 2012

My letter to Obama: Ending the Israel-Palestine conflict

Dear President Obama,

I know that supporting Palestine destroys careers here in America, and I know that with the upcoming election you would rather not sabotage your own chances of re-election. But please support Palestine anyway.

Let your presidency and America stand for respecting the rule of fair and just laws and policies- and fully honoring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Palestinian Refugees (1948-NOW) are refused their right to return... and their right to live in peace free from religious bigotry and injustice.

Let your presidency and America stand for honor and dignity and decency.... let your presidency and America help end the Israel-Palestine conflict with a fully secular two state solution shaping two sovereign separate nation-states, one Israel and one Palestine.

Let your presidency and America be about electing to be real leadership setting a good example in thought, word and deed, shaping a civilized and compassionate and honest earnest conversation focused in on empowering real justice and peace for everyone's sake.

Let your presidency and America be about giving every child, regardless of supposed race or religion, the tools and the chance to achieve as much as you have achieved, so that they in turn can become good role models and mentors for coming generations: Let real democracy with real freedom, justice and equality be the foundation not only of our domestic polices but of our foreign policies too.

Anne Selden Annab

To Rise to the Challenge
Growing Gardens for Palestine

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