Wednesday, September 12, 2012

American-Islamic Relations: "The only proper response to intentional provocations such as this film is to redouble efforts to promote mutual understanding between faiths and to marginalize extremists of all stripes."

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"We urge that this ignorant attempt to provoke the religious feelings of Muslims in the Arabic-speaking world be ignored and that its extremist producers not be given the cheap publicity they so desperately seek. Those who created this trashy film do not represent the people of America or the Christian faith.  The only proper response to intentional provocations such as this film is to redouble efforts to promote mutual understanding between faiths and to marginalize extremists of all stripes.

We condemn the attack on the American embassy, which had nothing to do with the production of this intentionally inflammatory film."

CAIR Asks Mideast Muslims to Ignore 'Trashy' Anti-Islam Film

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