Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jerusalem is an international city, not Israel's possession

Baltimore Sun Letters

As someone who has visited Jerusalem, the ancient city where three religions try to co-exist, I was startled to read "Three questions for the U.S. about Jerusalem" (Aug. 18). The arrogance expressed in that letter was over-the-top.

The letter writer's initial question is "whether the U.S government considers Jerusalem to be part of Israel." Jerusalem is an international city. And if the Israeli government would end its occupation of Palestine, this international city could be a beacon of hope promoting diversity and tolerance against hate and bigotry.

Here's the next question raised in the letter: "whether the U.S. regards Jerusalem as Israel's capital." Our government has exhibited much foolishness while supporting Israel, but it does not recognize Jerusalem as a capital.

What was the purpose of this letter? I can only guess that it was meant to trivialize the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

A much better letter would have urged the Israeli government to uproot the settlements, engage in serious peace negotiations and end the second-class treatment of the occupied population. But no, the writer had no interest in peace. Instead the intent must have been to further torment the beleaguered Palestinians by denying them their place in Jerusalem. When will the arrogance end?

Max Obuszewski, Baltimore

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