Monday, June 25, 2012

Sometimes, the Palestinian images we see just mirror the usual stereotypes....Change the picture! UNWRA photocompetition for young Palestinian refugees 2012

Change the picture!

There are many photographic images of Palestinian refugees out there. Sometimes they pick up the out-of-the-ordinary: the dust kicked up by some children running to school, or the Sun sneaking its way between the electricity wires of a camp.

But all too often, the images we see of Palestinians don’t reflect the real experience and ambitions of the refugee community – especially young refugees. Sometimes, the Palestinian images we see just mirror the usual stereotypes.

We invite young Palestinian refugees to change that image. We ask that you produce and send us one photo that reflects your refugee experience; and we put no limits on your creativity.
Together, let’s try to see Palestinian refugees from a different angle.

Let’s try to change the picture.

Entry rules
  • The competition is open to all Palestinian refugees aged 16-29.
  • Submitted photos must be recent (since the beginning of this year).
  • Send one photo of high quality.
  • The photographs submitted must be the participant’s own.
  • Participants agree to grant UNRWA the rights to publish and reproduce their photographs, in print, as part of exhibitions and in other publications.
  • The last date of entry is 21 September 2012. No entries will be accepted thereafter.


  • First prize: US$ 1,000
  • Second prize: US$ 750
  • Third prize: US$ 500

To enter, please send us the following

  • One completed entry form and photo (in JPEG format), sent as an e-mail attachment to
  • A description or caption for the photo, not exceeding 100 words.
Photos will be judged by a panel of UNRWA and professional Palestinian photographers. Winning photographs will be exhibited at a special ceremony on the occasion of UN Day on 24 October 2012.

UNRWA’s 2012 photography competition is made possible through generous funding from the European Union.

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