Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My letter to CSM May 7, 2012 Refugees use Facebook to keep scattered families connected

This Week in Palestine: The Village Awakens, 1987 by Sliman Mansour

RE: Refugees use Facebook to keep scattered families connected
comment I posted online via twitter

THANK YOU for publishing the AP story "Refugees use Facebook to keep scattered families connected" in your culture section.  I was online, looking for a poem- and found that fascinating story instead.

I very much hope that all the world catches on to how crucially important it is to fully respect international law and universal basic human rights including but not limited to every refugee's
inalienable legal, moral and natural right to return to original homes and lands...  Facebook could disappear tomorrow- but the right to return will remain, and people worldwide will continue to find ways to reach out to find kith and kin- and connection. 

Anne Selden Annab

To Be Clear: Return

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