Saturday, April 21, 2012

My letter to the Washington Post RE Mahmoud Abbas’s unhappy anniversary by Jackson Diehl

RE: Mahmoud Abbas’s unhappy anniversary by Jackson Diehl

Dear Editor,

Jackson Diehl's misleading op-ed "Mahmoud Abbas’s unhappy anniversary" certainly was not written to help inform anyone regarding how best to help end the Israel-Palestine conflict. Instead he feeds into extremism on both sides by refusing to even notice Israel's long term and flagrant violations of international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights.

What was the point? Perhaps his goal is more about undermining Middle East peace negotiations by doing what he can to dismiss and discredit Palestine, just as Israeli agents have been doing for years. Perhaps he hopes to help bully our Congress into idolizing Israel and punishing Palestine for refusing to do the same.  Perhaps he simply likes the status quo with the institutionalized bigotry, rampant injustice and cruel chaos of the ongoing conflict harming countless innocent and increasingly vulnerable people & inspiring the worst in many players.

Anne Selden Annab

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