Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My letter to the LATIMES RE Israel's poetry critics, Barring German author Gunter Grass for expressing his political views is the kind of reaction expected from Iran's mullahs.

RE: Israel's poetry critics, Barring German author Gunter Grass for expressing his political views is the kind of reaction expected from Iran's mullahs.,0,7035322.story

Dear Editor,

Jews preferred Israel is an open democracy that has been actively persecuting, impoverishing and displacing the native non-Jewish Palestinians for the past sixty years. Demonizing its critics is par for the course.

Cherishing free speech and "the rule of law" in order to harass, disenfranchise and destroy people who refuse to idolize and empower Israeli bigotry in one way or another, is what Israel is today.... and Americans are stuck reading Haaretz in order to find out that the medal recently given to Helen Thomas by Palestine's President Mahmoud Abbas is being used by pro-Israel propagandists to coerce our Congress into bashing Palestine.

Anne Selden Annab

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