Friday, April 13, 2012

My letter to the IHT RE Don't Give Up on Mideast Peace By Jimmy Carter

Anne Frank

 RE:  Don't Give Up on Mideast Peace By Jimmy Carter

Dear Editor,

I am all for a two state solution to once and for all end the Israel-Palestine conflict, but I think it is a huge mistake to perpetuate the institutionalized bigotry, injustice and angst created by insisting that Israel has to be "Jewish". 

A fully secular Israel and a fully secular Palestine as two sovereign powers and partners committed to respecting international law, basic human rights, and environmental concerns will build a just and lasting peace for all the people.

As Hussein Ibish quite wisely points out in his most recent Daily Beast column : "However hard it may now seem to achieve, ending the occupation by creating a Palestinian state still offers the only workable conflict-ending solution. Recognizing and supporting that is not Zionism, Palestinian nationalism, or American imperialism. It's not even buying into the deep logic of nationalism as a political or philosophical category. It's a simple recognition of unavoidable political reality. It should be embraced by anyone who cares more about peace, preserving human life, and building a better future than about ideologies, narratives and slogans."

Anne Selden Annab

"If you ask “what are the real threats to our security today,” said Brown, “at the top of the list would be climate change, population growth, water shortages, rising food prices and the number of failing states in the world. As that list grows, how many failed states before we have a failing global civilization, and everything begins to unravel?”" The Other Arab Spring By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN


An Anne Frank Moment ... a poem by Anne Selden Annab

A bookcase opens to reveal the steps up to Anne Frank's secret annex

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