Friday, April 6, 2012

My letter to the Guardian RE Israel evicts settlers from Hebron house

RE:  Israel evicts settlers from Hebron house

Dear Sir,

Seeing the headline "Israel evicts settlers from Hebron"  I can not help but wonder why Israel can evict some "settlers", but at the same time Israel actually subsidizes, protects and actively empowers many other "settlers". 

I also have to wonder if  "settlers" really is a fair word to use to describe all the many Jewish bigots who help Israel usurp Palestinian land, blithely sabotaging peace and all reasonable efforts to create a two state solution to end the Israel-Palestine conflict....  FYI David Wilder, that spokesman for the Hebron settlers is an American who has embraced being Israeli. He has full rights and freedoms in two sovereign powerful nations- while the vast majority of Palestinians have no real rights or freedom anywhere. 

There is nothing normal or moral or nice about Israel's ongoing quest to impoverish and displace the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land: There is however a heck of a lot of Zionist spin, crafted to distract people away from noticing Israeli violations of international law and the Palestinians basic human rights.

Anne Selden Annab

Refugees, Borders & Jerusalem...

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