Friday, April 6, 2012

letter- Where’s the outcry?!

RE "Where’s the outcry over Palestinian censorship?" 4-6-2012 Washington Post op-ed by David Keyes, executive director of the New York based organization "Advancing Human Rights"

Dear Editor,

Israel imprisons a Palestinian - and here in America a human rights activist gets an op-ed published in the Washington Post condemning Palestinian censorship?!  

Where is the outcry over Israeli censorship- and the many ways that the native non-Jewish Palestinians are bullied and punished  because they dare object to the institutionalized bigotry, flagrant injustice and demographic delusions of the "Jewish State".

Why no mention of Israel's ongoing violations of international law and the Palestinians basic human rights?! Why not even a glance at Israel's many raids on media outlets in the illegally occupied and annexed Palestinian territory... and why no mention of the fact that this week Israel's military has shut down the West Bank- literally. All checkpoints into and out of the prison some call Palestine are closed.  

Anne Selden Annab

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