Friday, March 30, 2012

Palestine's Maan News: Land Day 2012 live report

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- 1403: Protester scales wall at Bethlehem checkpoint and places a Palestinian flag to huge cheers from the crowd.

1335: Israeli forces heavily deployed in Jerusalem. Troops have blocked the entrances to Palestinian neighborhoods al-Isawiya, al-Tur and Wadi Joz, our correspondent says.

1331: Representatives of the Palestinian telecommunications network Jawwal are handing bottled water to protesters near Qalandia checkpoint.

1321: Hundreds of protesters streaming from Ramallah to Qalandia checkpoint, where demonstrators are burning tires, chanting and waving flags.

Israeli forces are firing tear gas, rubber bullets, spraying foul-smelling chemical water and using a 'scream' acoustic device against the protesters.

An Israeli military spokesman says soldiers are using "riot dispersal means" to deal with protesters throwing rocks.

1320: A small fire erupted at the Israeli military watchtower at Bethlehem checkpoint but died out quickly.

1315: Youths throwing stones at Israeli army watchtower at Bethlehem checkpoint; older protestors are calling them back.

1312: Hundreds of protesters break through Palestinian security forces and race toward Bethlehem checkpoint shouting "To Jerusalem." Palestinian forces have bolted, our reporter says. No response from Israeli forces, yet.

1250: A group of protesters surged toward the checkpoint in Bethlehem, which is being guarded by a human wall of Palestinian security forces. Israeli forces are present and watching closely.

1236: Israeli forces have detained four people at a protest in Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, an Israeli military spokesman says.

1231: In Bethlehem, Palestinian security forces have formed a human wall to block the protesters from reaching the checkpoint. All peaceful so far.

1226: A few hundred protesters marching in Bethlehem toward the checkpoint to Jerusalem.

1131: Israeli media reporting that more troops were deployed to the northern border.

"The forces are equipped with crowd dispersal and anti-riot measures ... orders were given to the forces to maintain restraint and prevent protestors from reaching the border (fence)," reports Ynet news.

1115: Palestinians in the Old City of Jerusalem say Israeli forces have deployed by the hundreds. Along with a large media presence, the area surrounding the al-Aqsa Mosque is packed.

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