Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Islamic Jihad and the international campaign to sabotage support for a secular two state solution to end the Israel-Palestine conflict

Dear ADC

My inbox has been inundated with various forwards by a wide spectrum of various activists, some with good intentions, some not, all doing what they can to help make Khader Adnan the symbol of Palestine. I was shocked and stunned to see ADC's alert joining the misguided throng.

Why do you want your supporters to help empower Islamic Jihad and the international campaign to sabotage support for a secular two state solution to end the Israel-Palestine conflict?

And why all this energy to goad Arab Americans and their supporters to rally around Palestinian Sheikh Khader Adnan who can eat if he wants to, but no alert to let people know about Saudi columnist Hamza Kashgari who is facing death by execution because of a tweet... a very reasonable tweet might I add, as I see nothing wrong with advocating the idea of equality.

Can any one really call America's mainstream media biased against Arabs and Muslims when even The Washington Post steps up with an op-ed to hopefully help save Hamza Kashgari's life- as well as to help empower free speech and full disclosure, while the ADC doesn't?

From someone else's supposedly pro-Palestine alert I see this quote: " "I starve myself for you to remain. I die for you to live. Stay with the revolution." ~Sheikh Khader Adnan on hunger strike for 65 days & counting to protest his illegal detention and the ongoing Zionist colonization of Palestine "

And my heart breaks for this is not for Palestine as in secular resistance to rampant Israeli bigotry and injustice... this is the turning point where the Israel-Palestine conflict becomes a religious war and the fulfillment of all the most nasty Zionist propaganda.

Khader Adnan starves himself so that he and his fellow Islamists can con pro-Palestine activists into thinking that he is a heroic symbol of Palestine and that Islamic Jihad is admirable and noble.

He starves himself so that the people of Palestine will vote Islamist rather than elect to invest in secular freedom and a fair and just negotiated settlement to end the conflict.

He starves himself so that the echo chamber of the internet can roar with bravado while out in the real world Palestine becomes a feeble whisper, for most reasonable people really do not want to have anything to do with people who chose to promote Islamic Jihad.

Khader Adnan starves himself to so that Arab Americans (misled by very manipulative and essentially deceitful alerts sent out by supposedly reasonable people and orgs) will help convince America's mainstream media and America's Congress that Zionist propaganda is true... and that the only sane thing to do is to stop funding Palestine in order to prevent Islamist collaborators from continuing on with their demented quest to get as many people as possible to believe that "Israel can't be reformed, corrected and made more just. It will have to be obliterated and replaced by a just and morally-guided regime."

Are you really so totally submerged in the echo chamber that you can not see how Islamists and their collaborators should not be trusted- or applauded. Can you not see that there is a huge difference between being an honorable and noble Muslim individual who believes in Palestine and being an Islamist who believes that Islam should be armed and funded with tax payer's money.

A fully secular two state solution remains the last best hope for peace and the people of Palestine... and Palestine (as well as UNWRA) desperately needs fiscal aid and effective, intelligent grass roots lobby efforts. Why help undermine that?

Anne Selden Annab

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