Thursday, January 19, 2012

Report: EU delegates say PLO should return to Jerusalem

Report: EU delegates say PLO should return to Jerusalem

TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- A report by European Union delegates has called for the re-development of PLO institutions in Jerusalem, stressing that Israeli polices are undermining the two state solution.

"Without Jerusalem as the future capital of two states, a sustainable peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians will not be possible," a copy of the EU report obtained by Haaretz on Wednesday said.

The report states that Israeli policies in East Jerusalem contradict its stated commitment to the two state solution. It adds that "attempts to emphasize the Jewish identity of the city [...] threaten its religious diversity and provide fuel to those who want to further radicalize the conflict."

Several recommendations were put forward by the report, Haaretz said. The measures included information sharing on violent settlers in East Jerusalem to assess whether they can enter EU member states, the development of a PLO presence in Jerusalem, EU legislation to prevent investment in support of settlement activity, and that EU delegates do not meet Israeli officials in their East Jerusalem offices.

In August 2011, the EU released a statement condemning a decision by Israel to extend the closure of the Orient House and Chamber of Commerce in East Jerusalem.

"These institutions have now been closed for ten years. The EU firmly believes that these institutions should be allowed to re-open and resume their operations as focal points for Palestinians in East Jerusalem, as required under the Roadmap," the statement said.

Orient House had served as the PLO's unofficial headquarters in Jerusalem before being seized by Israeli forces in 2001.

The property belongs to the Husseinis, a prominent and well known Palestinian Jerusalemite family.

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