Tuesday, December 20, 2011

UN powers 'dismayed' by Israeli settlements

UN Security Council powers on Tuesday launched a strong condemnation of Israel's increased settlements in the occupied territories and growing attacks by settlers on Palestinians.

European Union members of the 15-nation body demanded strong action by the Israeli government to halt the attacks and said the settlements "send a devastating message" about Israel's intentions.

India, Brazil and South Africa launched their own condemnation after a Security Council meeting on Israeli-Palestinian developments. Russia's UN envoy questioned Israel's commitment to a two-state solution to the conflict.

Britain, France, Germany and Portugal -- EU representatives on the council -- said in a statement that they were "dismayed by these wholly negative developments."

They said Israel's move to accelerate the construction of settlements in the occupied territories "send a devastating message. We call on the Israeli government to reverse these steps.

"The viability of the Palestinian state that we want to see and the two-state solution that is essential for Israel's long-term security are threatened by the systematic and deliberate expansion of settlements," added the statement read after the meeting by Britain's UN ambassador Mark Lyall Grant.

"We condemn the disturbing escalation of violence by settlers including the burning of the Nebi Akasha mosque in west Jerusalem and the Burqa mosque in the West Bank. It is clear that these deliberately provocative attacks on places of worship were designed to aggravate tensions."

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