Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Here in America...a poem by Anne Selden Annab

Thanksgiving Day Here in America

Thanksgiving Day here in America
is the freedom to choose: The
freedom to have turkey
or tofu
The freedom to invite guests
or not
The freedom to decorate your home
however you want to-
or not
The freedom to get dressed up
or down
The freedom to watch TV
and/or listen to music
and/or sing
or internet shop
or reading a good book
and sharing a great recipe
or talk about team sports

The freedom to celebrate
home and family
and friends
counting our blessings

The freedom to have a day off
with apple or pumpkin or pecan pie
or a hike on the Appalachian trail

The freedom to sleep in
or get up early

Uniting with people we tend to like
every where- each in our own way

poem & photo copyright ©2011 Anne Selden Annab

NOTESThe word MERITOCRACY was born in 1958. It means a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement.

Americans in 1776 embraced a view of the world in which a person's position was determined, not by birth, rank, or title, but by talent, ability, and enterprise...

The Declaration of Independence

The Constitution of the United States

The Bill of Rights

The expansion of rights and liberties has been achieved over time, as people once excluded from the protections of the Constitution asserted their rights set forth in the Declaration of Independence.

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