Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's Up: Palestinian Sunbird

The Visitor Information Center (VIC) in Bethlehem was established by Franciscan Father Ibrahim Feltas in December, 2010, as a project of the John Paul II Foundation, with its base in the Middle East in Bethlehem. VIC’s main goal is to serve tourists in Bethlehem with relevant for their visit.
Palestine’s location on the migration route from Europe and Western Asia to Africa is responsible for the very large number of bird species in the country.
Palestinian Sunbird
The bird is commonly associated with the area of Palestinian land and even its picture has been used on post stamps.

It has been as well used by an artist Khaled Jarrar in the design of a potential “State of Palestine” border control stamp, which he stamps into international visitors passports as a call for freedom of Palestine.

To learn more about Khaled Jarrar’s project check his Facebook page.

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