Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vandals cut down 20 olive trees belonging to an Palestinian family in Jerusalem- a Jewish extremist act against Arabs.

Jerusalem olive trees cut down in possible price tag attack

Vandals cut down 20 olive trees belonging to an Palestinian family in Jerusalem, police said Thursday, with a note at the scene implying it might have been a Jewish extremist act against Arabs.

The incident was discovered on Thursday "in the courtyard of an Arab house" on the outskirts of Beit Safafa, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.

"Israeli police arrived at the scene and launched an investigation in the afternoon as to who caused the damage. The investigation was continuing, and no suspects have been arrested so for," he said.

Rosenfeld added that "there was a little piece of paper that had the words price tag written on it."

Police term "price tag" incidents as acts of vengeance by extremist Jews against Palestinians or Arabs. The term usually refers to attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinians or their property in the West Bank.

Earlier this month, a mosque in northern Israel was torched and graves in a Muslim and Christian cemetery in Jaffa were defaced, in attacks believed to be "price tag" incidents.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat strongly condemned Thursday's incident, and said that "no tolerance should be shown to violence of any nature. We will continue to maintain coexistence in the city," public radio reported.

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