Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Palestinian envoy is asked to leave Ottawa after controversial tweet

The Palestinian envoy to Canada has been told she’s not welcome in Ottawa after she tweeted a link to a video that the federal government deemed an offensive diatribe against Jews.

Now, Linda Sobeh Ali, the chargĂ© d’affaires of the Palestinian delegation in Ottawa, is just one cut above persona non grata. The Canadian government called her in for a high-level dressing down, made a formal protest to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and has decided to “limit communication” with her until a replacement arrives.

The diplomatic cold shoulder was sparked when Ms. Sobeh Ali took to Twitter this month... READ MORE or just watch the video Linda tweeted:

Heartbreaking Poem of Palestinian Girl - English Subs

1 comment:

  1. When Zionism means that the vast majority of indigenous Palestinian men women and children are pushed into forced exile and denied their inalienable, natural, and legal right to their homes and lands... and when Zionism means that countless Palestinians lose their livelihoods- their jobs... when Zionism means that routinely Palestinian homes are destroyed and Palestinian trees are uprooted... and when Zionism means that Palestinians are imprisoned and tormented in many different ways... when Zionism means Palestinians will continue to be oppressed and displaced... when Zionism means that Palestinians are harassed no matter where they go or what they say- or what they tweet... when Zionism means that Palestinians will be demonized, disenfranchised, discredited and impoverished for telling the truth it certainly should not be a surprise that Palestinians object to Zionism.
