Thursday, October 27, 2011

My letter to the LA Times RE Mideast 'quartet' tries new approach with Israel, Palestinians- Tony Blair Interview

RE: Mideast 'quartet' tries new approach with Israel, Palestinians, Envoy Tony Blair says the quartet, frustrated with the peace process, will seek border and security proposals first from Israelis and Palestinians to gauge whether direct talks are feasible.,0,3046894,full.story

Dear Editor,

Many amateurs like to argue about why peace is not possible- more professionals should step up to do all that they can to convince all involved that a just and lasting peace is not only possible, it is a dire necessity for everyone's sake.... and we all have our part to play: Every 'side' needs step up to do what they can to curb religious extremism, hate mongering and the violent radicals who seek to perpetuate the very real suffering and plight of the Palestinians.

The Arab Peace Initiative, international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights all lay a firm foundation for the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East with an end to the Israel/Palestine conflict. Negotiations need to be about how to get from here to there, not about how to dismiss or ignore important issues and crimes against humanity.

Anne Selden Annab

Help Build A Golden Rule Peace for the Holy Land

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