Monday, October 24, 2011

Dear Congress: Please support The United Nations- UNESCO - UNWRA... AND PALESTINE!

letter I just sent via
SUBJECT: Please support The United Nations- UNESCO - UNWRA... AND PALESTINE!

President Barack Obama
Sen. Bob Casey
Rep. Todd Platts
Sen. Patrick Toomey

October 24, 2011

Today's LA Times had an article regarding UNESCO and Palestine

AND I am horrified to find out that "For the U.S., a forced withdrawal from UNESCO, If the organization accepts Palestine as a member, the U.S. will have to resign."... Sounds to me like it is time to change the 20 year old law which forbids the payment of dues by the U.S. to any U.N. body that accepts Palestine as a member.

The time has come for a real Palestinian state to emerge as part of an end to the sixty year old Israel/Palestine conflict- and for all nations (as well as all individuals) to do what they can to support and empower a better way forward for both Israelis and Palestinians: A negotiated fully secular two state solution firmly based on full respect for international law and basic human rights is the only way to end the conflict.

Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg , PA

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