Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My letter to the NYTimes RE Elusive Line Defines Lives in Israel and the West Bank

RE: Elusive Line Defines Lives in Israel and the West Bank

Dear Editor,

I very much hope that a just and lasting peace for Palestine and Israel can emerge from the entrenched conflict & rising religious extremism currently tormenting, traumatizing and impoverishing people all through out "The Holy Land".... A fully secular two state solution with firm and clear borders based on the Green Line is a good first step towards building a better way forward for every one's sake.

Anne Selden Annab
"The truth elided by both parties is that the Palestinian and Israeli identities are 20th-century phenomena that emerged in parallel and in contradiction to each other. One hundred years ago, the words “Israeli” and “Palestinian” were meaningless. This is not to say that Arabs and Jews don’t have deep histories, but both political identities are recent constructs, forged in the context of the ongoing conflict." Hussein Ibish: Two Narratives for Two Peoples

The Golden Rule

Growing Gardens for Palestine

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