Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Letter to My Elected Leaders: Ending the Israel/Palestine conflict

letter I just sent to my elected leaders via
Ending the Israel/Palestine conflict

President Barack Obama
Sen. Bob Casey
Rep. Todd Platts
Sen. Patrick Toomey

September 7, 2011

This week one full decade has passed since the monstrous terrorist attack of 9-11 and the subsequent formal start to the War on Terror. Some people, seeing no hope, want to push US into more and more war. I don't think more and more war is the right way to go. I'd rather America stand up for peace and progress- and Palestine.

Specifically I very much believe that a fully secular two state solution to once and for end the Israel/Palestine conflict is in every one's best interest- worldwide. Not just for Israel or for Palestine but for all the world, even for America as we live in an interconnected global information age where technology enables us to keep instantly in touch with far away friends and relatives, as well as conduct business with far away places.

Technology helps people every where keep more accurate, inclusive and extensive records of current events- and history. Here in America, thanks to great thinkers and doers like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Eleanor Roosevelt , Martin Luther King Jr , and Mr. Rogers (to name just a few great American heroes) we live in a time and place where we know for a fact that universal basic human rights and the rule of fair and just laws are an important part of civilized life... so is hard work. No society is perfect, but we can at least try our collective best to be the best that we can be, and we can make it a priority to support and invest in worthy projects.

Palestine is a very worthy project.

American aid through out the years has helped keep millions of impoverished, oppressed and displaced Palestinians and Palestinian refugees alive. More recently, looking towards the future, American aid has also been empowering official Palestinian state building efforts.

According to an article I found today on the American Task Force on Palestine [ATFP] website the Palestinian Authority will pay only half wages this month ..."A Palestinian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the aid-dependent authority was facing an unprecedented financial squeeze on funding from Arab states which are failing to meet commitments to provide support."

FYI ATFP is a very good source for highly relevant news, information and advice on Palestine. They are a reality based organization and a positively Pro-Palestine Think Tank that very much understands and respects both America and Palestine. I find that to be a winning combination.

One day, hopefully as soon as possible, Palestine will be a fully sovereign, secular, independent, economically viable nation state fully in charge of it's own destiny and well being... until that time Palestine very much needs the Americas as well as the Arab states and Europe and all of Asia (..etc..) to all pull together to do what we can to help Palestine survive.

Anne Selden Annab

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