Sunday, September 11, 2011

LATimes: A Muslim American remembers post-9/11 acts of kindness,0,4701272.story
U.S. Muslims in Pasadena on Sept. 13, 2001 sing "God Bless America" at an interfaith memorial service for victims of the 9/11 attacks. (Lucy Nicholson / AFP) (LUCY NICHOLSON, AFP / September 11, 2011)

Letters to the editor

A Muslim American remembers post-9/11 acts of kindness

September 11, 2011 Coming together

The heinous acts of Sept. 11, 2001, committed by misguided Muslims, triggered a flurry of reactions toward my American Muslim community. While I myself have experienced some negative reactions, what I remember is the loving random acts of kindness from those around me.

One memory stands out. A week before 9/11, my family and I moved to a new home in a new city. I remember thinking to myself after the attacks, what would the neighbors make of us? It was an incredibly draining and turbulent time.

But not one week after 9/11, I received the following note from one of my new neighbors: "I am sorry we have not had the opportunity to meet in person. I know times are strange now, but when you are ready, I'd love to meet you."

There are no words that could describe how I felt as I read the note. I stood there reading, tears in my eyes, and I felt reassured that things would be fine.

And as we approach and remember the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I take this opportunity to salute all of you who have looked beyond the stereotypes and prejudices; who were able to accept and interact with American Muslims as the human beings we all are. Thank you!

Noha Alshugairi

Newport Beach

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