Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jane Goodall Celebrates International Day of Peace... How might you play your part?

Jane Goodall realized early on that we won't be able to take care of animals and the environment until we're able to take care of each other. In that spirit, the Jane Goodall Institute is asking us all to make a pledge to cultivate peace in our daily lives throughout the year.
(Photo by Nicole Glass)

Jane Goodall Celebrates International Day of Peace

Make a Difference Every Day

“We all come into this life with certain gifts, in addition to our life” she said. “Certain ways in which we can contribute, excel, change the world around us…When you actually think about it, you can’t live through a day without making some kind of impact.

“We have a choice: what kind of impact is that going to be? How will we use the gift of our lives each day? … We can choose. We can choose what we buy, what we wear–at the least we can choose how we interact with people or animals or the environment.”

These small changes may at first seem ineffective and people might complain “What can I do in my one little day?”

“But it’s not just me and my one little day,” she responds. “It’s a growing number of people around the world…” How might you play your part?

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