Sunday, September 11, 2011

'Goodwill Luggage' — a suitcase whose owner died on 9/11 continues to travel with its new owner,0,4473748.story
'Goodwill Luggage' — a suitcase whose owner died on 9/11 continues to travel with its new owner

I am at southside mall just before the big day in December of 2001, my rust-spotted RAV-4 parked in front of Goodwill, when my favorite holiday music starts up over the loudspeaker. "Greensleeves" always brings to mind the first time I heard it. Bagpipes and drums had awakened me in my hotel on my very first trip to London. When I looked out the window, below me marched a small parade of men wearing kilts, and I later learned the tune they played was a somber "Greensleeves."

Today it reminds me that, besides new Christmas tree lights, I could use luggage for my upcoming sixth trip to London, this time with the College of Notre Dame of Maryland. A Travelpro wheelie is my choice, and the likelihood of finding it in Goodwill is extremely remote, but the music lures me into the store. A plethora of tiny white bulbs awaits me, so that in less than five minutes I am heading for the jumbled pile of suitcases kept in the back of the store.

As I approach travel gear of all sizes and shapes, the latest Harpers Bazaar protruding from the magazine pocket of a roll-aboard catches my eye. I bend down to inspect the suitcase, and to my amazement there is the Eiffel Tower logo, assuring my disbelieving eyes that this is indeed a Travelpro, and it is outwardly pristine. The handle pulls out easily, the zippers work. There is a strap for hooking on my carry-on bag. Inside one of the smaller pockets my fingers touch objects left behind....READ MORE

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