Sunday, September 25, 2011

EXCELLENT ABC Christiane Amanpour Interview with Palestine's Hanan Ashrawi

A top Palestinian negotiator on prospects for Mideast peace talks.
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1 comment:

  1. Hanan Ashrawi says it is Israeli intransigence that has long stood in the way of peace.

    “Israel has placed so many pre-conditions. It wants to annex Jerusalem. It wants to remove the [Palestinian] refugees from the agenda. It wants to keep its troops in the Jordan valley. It wants everything, and then says ‘Let’s talk’. No, these are unacceptable pre-conditions," she said. "Either you negotiate in good faith and act accordingly in order to achieve the two-state solution, or this option will no longer be available, particularly given the Arab Spring. This is a new phase, a new ballgame.”
