Monday, August 1, 2011

Dear Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre Foundation

Dear Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre Foundation,

Years ago when I first encountered it your beautiful web site was a treasure trove of inspiring and interesting images, but today most of the links to see the art do not work.

Is there any way you could fix this computer glitch so that more people might be able to get a glimpse of Palestinian heritage, culture and experience.

My friend Sherri Muzher has been creating a fascinating online book "Palestinian Surprises" to help generate more positive images and information about Palestinians, in part to help counter many negative stereotypes. She has written a short essay on your centre and hopefully people curious about Palestine might find it a gateway to a better understanding of Palestinian dignity and decency- and art.

Thank you so much for your time and trouble.

Anne Selden Annab
American homemaker & poet

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